NEW! Fall Lacrosse League! Register below!

The mission of Kennett-Unionville Thunder Lacrosse is to provide a fun, safe, and positive environment devoted to promoting educational, recreational, and competitive lacrosse programs for students in Kindergarten through 8th grade. We seek to develop each player to the best of their ability and promote a spirit of sportsmanship and community with players, coaches, and parents/guardians.
This league is a member of the Chester County Lacrosse Association (CCLA), abides by their rules, and is open to student athletes living in the Kennett Consolidated School District and Unionville-Chadds Ford School District. All Kennett-Unionville Thunder Boys Lacrosse coaches volunteer their personal time to make this program a huge success. The number of players KU Thunder Lacrosse can accept is directly related to the number of coaches who volunteer. In order to ensure a positive experience for players, there will be limits set for each age group based on the number of coaches who volunteer.
For more information, please contact us at
League Guidelines for 2024
Grade-Based Team Structure
The Chester County Lacrosse Association (CCLA) has transitioned from an age-based to a grade-based team structure. The goal of this change is to keep players grouped with the kids they see every day in school and eliminate situations where some players are grouped with kids either a grade above or a grade below due to birthdate. Kennett-Unionville Thunder will be changing its program structure accordingly.
Chest Protector Requirements For Goalies
As part of increased safety standards for equipment, beginning in 2021, all major lacrosse organizations required that goalie chest protectors meet the new NOCSAE ND200 standard. This standard reduces the force of blows to the chest and reduces the risk of commotio cordis – a sudden cardiac arrest caused by a blow to the chest.
All goalies MUST wear certified chest protectors that bear the NOCSAE logo and SEI certification. A full list of certified chest protectors can be found at the SEI website. We prefer chest protector listed under the ND200-19 as they meet updated equipment testing requirements.
Please note that starting in 2023, all players will be required to wear certified chest protection that meets this standard. If you are planning on purchasing new shoulder pads this season you should refer to this list for certified shoulder pads.
Kindergarten / 1st and 2nd Grade
This level introduces young players to the game of lacrosse and builds a foundation of skills in a fun and positive environment. Focus will be on the basic skills of catching, throwing, and cradling. A variety of games will be used to introduce players to rules, teamwork, and competition. No goalies at this age level.
Depending on the number of players registered, players may be separated by one or more of the following: age, grade, size and experience.
Eligibility: In Pre-K or Kindergarten during the season
Practice: 1 practice per week; possibly 2
Games: None; play days during practice
Equipment: Stick, helmet, shoulder pads, elbow/arm pads, gloves, mouth guard and cleats/sneakers; mask or helmet protector
Uniform: Players will receive a pinnie as part of their registration and it should be worn during practice.
3rd and 4th Grade
This level expands foundational skills with the introduction of more intermediate/advanced techniques. There is often a difference in skill level due to athletes new to the game and different athletic ability or physical maturity. Players will be evaluated so teams with similar skill level can be created.
Eligibility: In 3rd or 4th grade during the season
Practice: 1-2 nights per week
Games: 8 games + possible playoffs, games on Saturdays
Equipment: Stick, helmet, shoulder pads, elbow/arm pads, gloves, mouth guard and cleats/sneakers; mask or helmet protector
Uniform: Pinnie and shorts
5th and 6th Grade
This level of play offers both fundamental instructional play for the new player and advanced skill development for the experienced player. The focus will be on teamwork, learning team strategies and tactics, goal setting and a positive environment fostering a love of playing lacrosse. Games will begin to resemble games at the middle and high school levels and our mission is to prepare players for middle school, high school and/or travel team programs.
Eligibility: In 5th or 6th grade during the season
Practice: 1-2 nights per week
Games: 8 games + possible playoffs, games on Saturdays
Equipment: Stick, helmet, shoulder pads, elbow/arm pads, gloves, mouth guard and cleats/sneakers; mask or helmet protector
Uniform: Pinnie and shorts
7th and 8th Grade - GAMES ONLY
The final level of play is game only and offers both fundamental instructional play for the new player and advanced skill development for the experienced player. Games have the speed and physicality of high school lacrosse. Focus and commitment to the sport are part of our mission in preparing players for high school and/or travel team programs.
Eligibility: In 7th or 8th grade during the season
Practice: No practices. Games only division.
Games: 8 games + possible playoffs, games on Saturdays
Equipment: Stick, helmet, shoulder pads, elbow/arm pads, gloves, mouth guard and cleats/sneakers
Uniform: Pinnie and shorts
The Season: Practices and Games
The season lasts from mid-March through May, with at least 8 games per season. Teams practice 1-2 times a week at local fields.
All age groups compete against other programs in the CCLA. The 7th/8th grade is game only. There may be 1-2 practices at the beginning of the season to get to know the team, however, there are no on-going weekly practices.
Safety is of utmost importance to our organization and each player will need to provide his own equipment. Helmets are optional, but not required. We encourage cleats, but sneakers are suitable for younger girls. It is up to parents/guardians to ensure their player is using equipment that meets current safety standards. The Safety Equipment Institute is a third party certification organization and this link will take you to that organization’s certification for recreational sports equipment.
All Kennett-Unionville Thunder Boys Lacrosse coaches volunteer their personal time to make this program a huge success and we are always looking for volunteers. The number of players KU Thunder Lacrosse can accept is directly related to the number of coaches who volunteer. In order to ensure a positive experience for players, there will be limits set for each age group based on the number of coaches who volunteer.
Coaching Kennett-Unionville Thunder Lacrosse is a great way to support families and youth in the Kennett community. Coaches teach more than sport specific skills - they help our young athletes develop important life skills. As a coach, you can have a positive influence on parents and players, as well as be an excellent example of community support and pride. You’ve never coached? No problem! The league will pay for US Lacrosse membership for head coaches, provide training for assistant coaches, and will pay for any US Lacrosse education sessions. If you are interested in coaching or volunteering in any capacity, please click HERE. Thank you!